It was a very hot day when we met this "nice" girl... you will see why I said "nice." I should start this description by telling you that we are leaved the mountains and we will shoot as much as we can this summer near the Black sea... Here due the distance till the sea

many girls have already experienced the swimming in clothes... but we hope to find girls dressed in very nice clothes and girls coming or going to the office to convince them to soak themselves... because really at the beaches you can find plenty that will agree to get into the sea in their casual clothes (and maybe we will shoot some of those too) but first I want to try to convince some office ladies to get wet for us
Back to this story... We meet Michelle. So Michelle was on her way home after a (not so busy) day at the office. She was to drink a coffee and a juice with a friend of hers and he was not in a mood for me in any case... But I knew i will get her at least to listen to me a little so I kept asking and asking and then asking her again for her name and asking her to stop at least one minute so I can explain her what are we there... Anyway... I had to make her smile and this is why I blocked her way in my knees, and I was looking like I want to make a love confession to her

) She thought that the situation is really funny and my gesture made her stop and this is all I needed to begin to explain what we want from her.
To be completely honest getting her into the sea was easier then to get her to stop... but see for yourself how the things went by watching this clip.